Hours after he announced he would resign was White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer sat down with Sean Hannity on “Hannity.” Watch a full video replay.
Former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer will give an interview to Sean Hannity tonight
Hours after he announced his resignation as the White House press secretary, Sean Spicer cleared the air on an episode of Fox News’ “Hannity.”
Earlier in the day, a report by the New York Times said Spicer decided to quit after “vehemently” disagreeing with President Donald Trump ‘s appointment of Anthony Scaramucci as the new communications director.
Whether the reports were accurate or not, Spicer unexpectedly announced he would resign and issued a statement saying he would be fulfill his duties through August.
It’s been an honor & a privilege to serve @POTUS @realDonaldTrump & this amazing country. I will continue my service through August
— Sean Spicer (@PressSec) July 21,2017
Trump also chimed in on Twitter, saying thanks to Spicer for his service in a very difficult job.
Sean Spicer is a wonderful person who took tremendous abuse from the Fake News Media – but his future is bright!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 22,2017
Scaramucci announced at a press briefing earlier in the day that Sarah Huckabee Sanders will replace Spicer as the press secretary moving forward.
Spicer’s first public appearance since his resignation was just hours after dropping the news. In the interview with Sean Hannity, Spicer opened by saying he wanted to give the administration a “clean slate, ” adding that Trump didn’ t want Spicer to go.
“ (Trump) wanted to bring some new folks in to help rev up the communications operation, ” Spicer said during the interview. “After reflection, my decision was to recommend to the president that I give Anthony and Sarah a clean state to start from so that they can talk about the president’s’ agenda and help move it forward.
“After some back and forth, (Trump) understood the offer I was making was something in the best interest of this administration. I thanked (Trump) for the opportunity, and I’ m looking forward to watching Anthony and Sarah do an nice job.”
Watch the full interview below:
Spicer announced his resignation from the position six months and one day into Trump’s presidency. He was one of the more popular press secretaries in recent memory for some of his antics and tense interactions with reporters.
The sketch-comedy show “Saturday Night Live!” had Melissa McCarthy play Spicer in episodes, and it made for some hilarious skits.
Spicer commented on his portrayal on the show during his interview with Hannity, saying he did indeed laugh at some of the material, when it wasn’ t taken too far.
“There are some skits I’ ve seen on late night television that I had to crack up at, ” Spicer said. “Sometimes it can be funny, some of the memes you have to laugh at yourself a bit.”
Watch some of Spicer’s best and worst moments at the lectern by clicking below.
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