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China police foil plot to kill Kim Jong Nam's son: Report


Chinese police have foiled a plot to assassinate North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s nephew, according to a South Korean report..
Chinese police have foiled a plot to assassinate North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s nephew, according to a South Korean report.
Mainstream daily JoongAng Ilbo reported yesterday that the police have arrested two North Korean agents allegedly tasked with tracking down Mr Kim Han Sol, 22, who has been in hiding since his father, Mr Kim Jong Nam, was murdered in Malaysia in February.
Seven agents from North Korean spy agency Reconnaissance General Bureau were dispatched to Beijing for the job, said the paper, citing an unnamed person familiar with North Korean affairs.
The Chinese authorities reportedly discovered the plot after increasing surveillance of North Korean activities within the country during its Communist Party’s 19th congress from Oct 18 to 24. Investigations are ongoing, and those arrested are being held in a special facility on the outskirts of Beijing.

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