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Tillerson: N. Korea diplomacy will continue ‘until the first bomb drops’


As North Korea called President Trump a “war merchant and strangler of peace,” Secretary of State Rex Tillerson insisted Sunday the ​commander in…
As North Korea called President Trump a “ war merchant and strangler of peace,” Secretary of State Rex Tillerson insisted Sunday the ​commander in chief​’s first priority is to​ ​continue working on a diplomatic solution “until the first bomb drops.”​
Trump “wants this solved diplomatically,” Tillerson told CNN’s “State of the Union.” “He’s not seeking to go to war.
“He has made it clear to me to continue my diplomatic efforts . . . until the first bomb drops.”
​US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley echoed Tillerson’s comments and said the administration would be willing to talk if the rogue regime ​vows to immediately curtail its testing of nuclear weapons.
“We’re not going to beg them to come to the negotiating table,” Haley told ABC’s “This Week.” “We’re not going to try and win them over with incentives and things like that. We need them to stop nuclear testing, and we need that to stop right away.”
Until then, Haley, said “there’s no conversation that needs to be had.”
​Even as the US pursues diplomatic angles, it continues to prepare for the worst.
National Security Adviser H. R. McMaster said the president would do whatever is necessary to prevent an attack from North Korea on the United States.
“Our president has been really clear: He’s not going to permit this regime and Kim Jong-un to threaten the United States with a nuclear weapon,” McMaster said on “Fox News Sunday.

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