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Trump Plans to Make US Military Stronger Than Ever Before: Budget Plan Revealed


US President Donald Trump plans to modernize the United States’ nuclear triad, according to the budget proposal for the fiscal year 2019, released on Monday.
“[T]he Budget requests $24 billion to modernize and sustain the three legs of the nuclear triad – land, sea, and air – as well as nuclear command, control, and communications systems,” the proposal said.
Speaking about the budget proposal on February 9, Trump vowed that the US military would be “stronger than ever before”.
“Just signed Bill. Our Military will now be stronger than ever before. We love and need our Military and gave them everything – and more. First time this has happened in a long time. Also means JOBS, JOBS!” Trump assured on his Twitter page.
Just signed Bill. Our Military will now be stronger than ever before. We love and need our Military and gave them everything — and more. First time this has happened in a long time. Also means JOBS, JOBS!
The document requests more than $15 billion to modernize US nuclear security in alignment with the Defense Department’s posture review.
“The FY 2019 Budget Request provides $15.1 [billion] to modernize and restore the nuclear security enterprise aligned with the Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) and National Security Strategy,” the document said.
As the document specified, the president plans to purchase an additional 20 Ground-Based Interceptors as part of its missile defense program.
“For missile defense, the Budget supports the procurement of 20 additional Ground-Based Interceptors (GBIs),” the proposal said.
READ MORE: US Nuclear Posture Review ‘Misleading,’ Based on Biased Facts – Washington Post
The US Department of Defense will spend $10.7 billion for F-35 joint strike fighters and $2.3 billion for B-21 long-range strike bomber.
“This budget’s major warfighting investments include: Aircraft 77 F-35 Joint Strike Fighters – $10.7 billion,” the document said. “FY (fiscal year) 2019 investments in nuclear deterrence include: B-21 Long Range Strike Bomber – $2.3 billion.”
US President Donald Trump has increased the Overseas Contingency Operations funding for extraordinary costs in war areas by $191 million, the budget proposal reads.
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“The Budget also requests $12 billion as Overseas Contingency Operations funding for extraordinary costs, primarily in war areas such as Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan, for an Agency total of $37.8 billion, which is a $191 million increase from the 2018 Budget,” the proposal said.
The funding for Syria is focused on stabilizing areas not controlled by the Damascus government or terrorists and providing help to areas newly liberated from the Daesh terrorist organization (outlawed in Russia), the document said.
“Near East ($1,714.4 million – $249.6 million Enduring, $1,464.8 million OCO) Iraq ($150.0 million OCO),… Libya ($27.0 million OCO),” the document said. “Syria ($130.0 million OCO)… Jordan ($910.8 million OCO).”
The fiscal year 2019 US budget requests funding for the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) to counter Russia and enhance programming for North Korea.
“The BBG FY [fiscal year] 2019 request of $661.1 million provides $656.3 million for International Broadcasting Operations (IBO) and $4.8 million for Broadcasting Capital Improvements (BCI),” the document said. “To counter Russian disinformation, BBG will continue to build the 24/7 Russian-language digital network Current Time, which is a joint programming effort involving RFE/RL and VOA… In addition, the BBG will continue the enhancements to its Korean-language programming that began in FY 2017.”
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The BBG budget funds will also be utilized to launch an innovative campaign to reach the social media savvy generation, “including a daily newscast designed to appeal to younger content-seekers and leveraging emerging digital media platforms and applications.”
Moreover, the budget requests funds for Europe and Eurasia to help “build their resilience against Russian malign influence,” including by supporting the regions’ integration into Western institutions and strengthening European cohesion.
Trump has requested more than $6.3 billion for the Defense Department’s European Deterrence Initiative (EDI), including $250 million to help Ukraine protect its territory, according to a budget proposal released on Monday.
“The Budget requests more than $6.3 billion for DOD’s European Deterrence Initiative (EDI),” Trump’s proposed budget said. “EDI would also increase prepositioned US stocks, modernize Army equipment in Europe, enhance the Air Force’s ability to rapidly scale operations in contested environments, harden communications and logistical infrastructure, catalyze frontline allies’ and partners’ efforts to defend themselves, and provide $250 million to help Ukraine protect its territorial sovereignty,” the proposal said.
According to a Congressional Budget Justification, the United States will provide Ukraine with $145 million to support Kiev’s efforts to fight corruption.
“Ukraine ($145.0 million OCO): FY [fiscal year] 2019 ESDF [Economic Support and Development Fund] funding will support Ukraine’s fight against corruption; help make Ukraine more resilient to energy coercion through diversification and by linking it to Western markets and systems; bolster civil society, strengthen independent media and support the state broadcasting company to counter Russian disinformation aimed at undermining Ukraine’s democracy,” the document said.
Moreover, the US budget will provide Ukraine with $20.0 million in assistance funding for Kiev to “address critical equipment shortfalls to assist its armed forces in maintaining Ukraine’s sovereignty and countering Russian aggression,” the document added.
The Trump administration has requested half a billion dollars from Congress to promote private sector growth and social justice programs in Afghanistan.
“Afghanistan ($500.0 million OCO –Overseas Contingency Operations): FY 2019 civilian assistance programs will help promote private-sector growth, increase citizens’ trust in their government, and advance shared priorities in justice, health, and education, with an emphasis on opportunities for women and girls,” the budget request said.
“FY 2019 resources will support academic and professional exchanges to help build Afghanistan’s cadre of future leaders,” the document added.
The Trump administration has asked $1.6 billion from Congress for the construction of the wall on the border with Mexico as part of its $18 billion proposal.
“The Budget follows through on the President’s commitments on border security.

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