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Phony vs. Real Russian Interference: Russian meddling means people die


Americans should regard claims of Vladimir Putin and Russian interference in the 2016 U. S. presidential election, and their hysterical media handmaidens, as laughable. That’s because this so-called conspiracy is missing Russian meddling most glaring calling card – a substantial body count.
WASH INGTON, March 15,2018: – The Republican majority on the House Intelligence Committee recently said that after interviewing 73 witnesses, reviewing some 300,000 documents, and holding 9 hearings, they found no evidence of Trump Russia collusion. Unfortunately, that’s not good enough for Democrat and liberal leader, Rep. Adam Schiff
But the wild-eyed Democratic point-man on the Trump collusion nothing burger, Rep. Adam Schiff, mournfully announced it would fall to others to determine “the full extent of Russia interference in our election” and “the role of U. S. persons connected to the Trump campaign.”
It was a tacit admission that even Democrats are having a hard time finding evidence of serious Russian skullduggery to deny Hillary Clinton the presidency. Thus leaving it to others, maybe future generations, to figure it out.
And while Special Counsel Robert Mueller managed to convince a federal grand jury to indict 13 Russian nationals and three companies for their alleged attempts “to interfere” with the election “and political processes,” this interference amounted to nothing more than clumsy and comical fraternity pranks.
Across the Atlantic in Britain, meanwhile, there is no question the Russians have been engaged in more skulduggery. Acts that have ended in death.
Russia’s fingerprints are so glaringly obvious, the House of Commons need not waist one pence of its over-taxed citizen’s resources interviewing witnesses or combing through hundreds of thousands of documents.
Days ago, men in hazmat suits collected evidence of Novichok, a military-grade bio-agent developed by the Soviet Union in the 1970s, which seriously injured a former Russian agent and his daughter living in Salisbury, England.
The Prime Minister to busy ordering the expulsion of a few Russian diplomats and will no doubt vent its concerns before the United Nations Security Council.
And that is where it will end.
Vladimir Putin is running for “re-election” and clearly wanted to clear the decks of his Russian critics living abroad.
Back in 1978, Bulgarian dissenter and BBC broadcaster Georgi Markov felt a sharp pain in his thigh while waiting for a bus on London’s Waterloo Bridge.
It was from a small ricin-fill pellet fired into his body by a Russian agent bearing an umbrella gun. Markov died three days later.
And in 2006, former KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko died slowly and painfully after he unwittingly ingested a lethal dose of polonium-210 with his tea.
More recently, Russian oligarch and former Vladimir Putin confidant, Boris Berezovsky, was found hanging by the neck in his Ascot home. Soon afterward, Berezovsky’s associate, Nikolai Glushkov, died under mysterious circumstances.
And there have been more.
In other words, Great Britain has suffered real Russian meddling – of the “extreme prejudice” variety – for at least three decades.
Americans should regard claims of Russian meddling in the 2016 U. S. presidential election, by Democrats and their hysterical media handmaidens, as laughable. That’s because this so-called conspiracy is missing Russian meddling’s most glaring calling card…
… a substantial body count.

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