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What Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg didn't say — starting with, 'I'm sorry.'


What Mark Zuckerberg didn’t say — starting with, ‘I’m sorry.’
SAN FRANCISCO — Sorry folks, Mark Zuckerberg is not sorry.
In his first public address of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, the Facebook CEO didn’t apologize — and he didn’t say a lot of other things that Facebook users wanted to hear about the pilfering of sensitive information from tens of millions of them.
For example, Zuckerberg didn’t explain why Facebook tried to stop publication of news articles informing the public of the breach.
He also did not say why Facebook didn’t notify its users about the breach when it learned of it in 2015.
And he stopped short of apologizing to users. Instead, he framed Facebook as the victim of the breach by “bad actors,” not the company whose policies allowed it to happen in the first place.
Zuckerberg did concede that Facebook had breached the trust of its 2 billion users. And he promised to fix it.
“We have a responsibility to protect your data, and if we can’t then we don’t deserve to serve you,” he said.
Mike Chapple, associate teaching professor of IT, Analytics, and Operations in the University of Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business, says Zuckerberg omitted some critical information.
“Facebook did not make any commitment to be transparent about what has already occurred,” Chapple said in an email. “If Facebook truly wants to repair this breach of trust, they can begin with full disclosure about their past information sharing practices.”
More: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg finally speaks on Cambridge Analytica: We need to fix ‘breach of trust’
More: As Facebook reels from ‘catastrophic moment’ in Cambridge Analytica crisis, Mark Zuckerberg is silent
More: Can Facebook be trusted with your personal info? Voter harvesting scheme shows perils for users
By and large, users were unimpressed and underwhelmed, having become painfully aware in recent days that Facebook allowed third parties to access massive amounts of their personal information, didn’t adequately monitor how those parties were using the data and then were slow to address abuses they did find.
Danasia Fantastic, who runs a lifestyle website for millennial women TheUrbanRealist.com, says she’s tempted to delete her Facebook account over the data leak and Facebook’s handling of it.
“Someone needs to serve time over this or at least be fined,” Fantastic said. “If there’s a class action suit filed, I’m signing up.”
The comments on Zuckerberg’s Facebook post, which exceeded 13,000, showed the same level of frustration.
“As a long-time user of your platform I’m simply concerned that this is too little, too late,” one user wrote. “The data collected from your users never should have happened in the first place. Your company — and industry — clearly cannot police itself,” wrote another.
Someone fumed: “So basically you knew this s— was going on years ago and NOW since you’ve been caught with your pants down, this is your response? Pathetic. I really do hope Congress makes you testify.”
“This response falls far short Mark. You’re still not being honest with the American people. There is no way you didn’t know they had our data,” called out another.
Zuckerberg’s remarks were his first since bombshell reports from the New York Times and the Guardian ‘s The Observer alleged British data analysis firm Cambridge Analytica improperly obtained and retained the personal information of 50 million Facebook users without their permission — 30 million of them with enough details to match users to other records and build profiles of them. Cambridge Analytica has ties to President Trump’s 2016 campaign.
Facebook’s two top executives — Zuckerberg and Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg — were criticized for remaining silent for days after the news broke.
He also forgot to mention that Facebook allowed Cambridge Analytica to get all that personal data. This was no “breach”. There are many other companies doing the exact same thing. Will Zuckerberg tell us about them? Will he notify everyone whose data was taken?
Sorry is not enough dude.
Like many with savior delusions, Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t know how to say sorry. So I edited the opening and closing of his non-apology apology for him — no charge. pic.twitter.com/9R4Y1sq3Y2
“We have a responsibility to protect my data. Sorry, our data. I mean, your data.” #markzuckerberg

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