Home United States USA — Science Sean Spicer on Melania and Trump: ‘I Think There’s a Love There’

Sean Spicer on Melania and Trump: ‘I Think There’s a Love There’


Behind him was an interactive station called “Give Melania a voice.”
A crowd of reporters clamored for a prime spot to watch Sean Spicer unveil a wax figure of Melania Trump at New York City’s Madame Tussauds attraction Wednesday.
To the side, a screen displayed the cover of Spicer’s soon-to-be-released book, The Briefing. Behind him was an interactive station called “Give Melania a voice,” a title a bit too on the nose for some. The station allows visitors to pretend they’re tweeting as the First Lady, a feature that will surely be abused by the public in the coming months.
Madame Tussauds representatives repeatedly referred to Melania as a celebrity and fashion icon instead of first lady.
During the unveiling, Spicer engaged in a short question-and-answer session about his time in the White House with Melania. “Last night the world got to see what a great first sady she is and what impeccable taste she has. It’s another example of her putting on incredible events,” he said.
Spicer also plugged his forthcoming book.
“In some ways writing this book was a little therapeutic,” Spicer said. “It’s an opportunity to reflect. There are some days I didn’t live up to my standards” as a White House press secretary, he said.
And Spicer took time to praise Melania Trump’s intellect. “She’s very well-read and to the extent possible always willing to share her thoughts and ideas on what what’s going on,” Spicer said. He discussed flying on Air Force One with the first family and other “quiet, reflective opportunities to share her thoughts.”
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“She’s really concerned about the issues that young people face these days and she loves interacting with students,” Spicer added.
Melania Trump’s relationship with the president has come under intense scrutiny as Trump has been accused of engaging in an extramarital affair with adult film star Stormy Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, immediately following the birth of his son Barron.
On Tuesday, Melania was seen in an awkward hand-holding moment: The president tried to grab the first lady’s hand unsuccessfully as she sported a sour expression. “As a spouse of 14 years I’ve had my own awkward moment, but I think there’s a love there,” said Spicer, who was present at the event, orchestrated to welcome French president Emmanuel Macron to the White House ahead of the Trumps’ first official state dinner.

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