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New Star Control: Origins trailer shows off ward species and new Fleet Battles footage


While development continues on the resurrected franchise, new footage for Star Control: Origins provides some face time with the Tywom leader plus as a look at both the Mu’Kay and Menkmack races.
Star Control: Origins is moving along its development phase with an anticipated release in summer, with pre-orders having opened up late last year. Those that have already pre-ordered have had the opportunity to get their hands on the Fleet Battles beta which included a ship crafting system letting gamers design their own space vessels.
A new trailer has been released that includes an introduction to the leader of the Tywom, providing an opportunity to learn about the games various races and a taste of what situation the player can expect to find themselves when they fire up the game. The clip also includes a glimpse of the seemingly squid-inspired Mu’Kay, and the long-necked Menkmack race. Also, if you’ve not already pre-ordered the game, the video provides another look at Fleet Battles and a look at some planetary exploration.
Star Control: Origins currently costs $34.99 on Steam and GOG but can be pre-ordered for a 10% discount at the Stardock store, bringing the price down to $31.49 for a Steam key. If you’re interested in picking up the game, you may want to do so sooner rather than later as the Steam listing advises that “this price will increase as new features are added”.
Disclaimer: Neowin’s relationship to Stardock .

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