Police arrested Hiromi Tsukuda, former mayor of Ito in the central Japan prefecture of Shizuoka, Saturday on suspicion of bribery over the city’s land purchase.
Police arrested Hiromi Tsukuda, former mayor of Ito in the central Japan prefecture of Shizuoka, Saturday on suspicion of bribery over the city’s land purchase.
The police also arrested Keijiro Mori, president of Towa Kaihatsu Co., a local real estate company, and Hiroshi Inaba, a corporate employee, for their alleged roles in the bribery case. Tsukuda, 71, is suspected of receiving a total of about 10 million yen in bribe from Mori, 47, via Inaba, 50, on several occasions between late August and early September in 2015 while in office in exchange for the city government’s acquisition of a former hotel site from Towa Kaihatsu.