On Sunday, OnePlus released an update for the OnePlus 6. The update which comes as OxygenOS 5.1.8 is supposed to fix some system stability issues and optimize call quality. It…
On Sunday, OnePlus released an update for the OnePlus 6. The update which comes as OxygenOS 5.1.8 is supposed to fix some system stability issues and optimize call quality. It is also supposed to fix issues with OxygenOS 5.1.6 for Indian users. Sadly, the new update comes with some serious issues.
According to some users, the OnePlus 6 is suffering from a serious battery drain. Battery life is said to have reduced by half since the update with the screen consuming more than usual. One user has also reported the device shutting down while in use with the battery still at about 50 %. Some have even complained about the camera app freezing.
Apart from the OnePlus 6, some OnePlus 3 and OnePlus 3T users have complained about a battery drain on their devices. The battery is said to drain in a few hours and doesn’t even give the usual battery low warning at 15%. The bug is said to be due to the most recent update.
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OnePlus has not commented on the issue yet but we expect them to acknowledge it and work on a fix. If you own the OnePlus 6 and haven’t updated to OxyegnOS 5.1.8, we advise you hold on and not update it yet.
( Source, Via)