Microsoft is reportedly pushing new firmware and drivers to the Surface Book 2, Surface Pro and Surface Laptop running the April 2018 update. The company has not updated their product pages yet.
The release of the latest feature update to Windows 10 could have gone better. Hardware problems, blue screens of death and some apps like Chrome causing the PC to freeze all plagued the April 2018 Update when it was first released. The update has fared better in the couple of months since, and Microsoft is now pushing firmware and drivers updates for Surface devices running the latest version of Windows.
Unfortunately, while users are reporting the various updates appearing in Windows Updates on their devices, Microsoft has not provided a changelog on the ‘update history’ pages for its machines. The Microsoft products we currently know are receiving the new drivers and firmware include the Surface Book 2, Surface Pro and Surface Laptop.
Alongside the new firmware, the long list of updates includes new driver definitions from NVIDIA and Media, Camera and System updates from Intel. These may have to do with the SSD issues that popped up following the release of the April 2018 Update.