“Avengers: Infinity War” has officially made more than two billion dollars around the globe. The Hollywood Reporter reported Tuesday: Disney’s and Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Infinity…
“Avengers: Infinity War” has officially made more than two billion dollars around the globe.
The Hollywood Reporter reported Tuesday:
Disney’s and Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Infinity War has cleared the $2 billion mark at the worldwide box office, becoming only the fourth movie to achieve the milestone and the first summer tentpole to do so, not adjusted for inflation.
Infinity War, hitting theaters in late April, accomplished the feat Monday, its 48th day in release. The mega-superhero mashup finished the day with a global cume of $2.002 billion, including $656.1 million in North America and $1.346 billion overseas.
That’s so much money for a movie to make. Two billion dollars! Are you kidding me? They’re just making rain over at Disney and Marvel. (RELATED: WATCH THE NEWEST TRAILER FOR ‘ SICARIO 2: DAY OF THE SOLDADO’)
There’s just money falling from the skies for the studios over there. What do you do after you make two billion dollars? Do you buy a yacht? Do you buy a mansion for company parties? Do you put it all in the bank?
I’ll tell you what you do. You green light a sequel as fast as humanely possible. I’ve often wondered how long these super hero movies will last for. How much longer can they keep cranking these things out?
Well, they’re never going to stop when they’re making billions of dollars around the world. I might die before the super hero trend comes to an end at this point. Can’t say I’m pumped about getting a ton more of these movies, but nobody will be in a hurry to shut them down as long as they’re profitable.
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