Home United States USA — Korea Trump Acknowledges Problems with North Korea

Trump Acknowledges Problems with North Korea


Who could have seen this coming?
Via the NYT: Trump Asks Pompeo to Cancel North Korea Trip, Pointing to Stalled Diplomacy
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and his newly appointed special envoy were scheduled to travel to North Korea next week to continue talks that have stalled over Pyongyang’s refusal to fully declare its nuclear inventory and Washington’s reluctance to declare an end to the Korean War.
But after meeting with Mr. Pompeo, Mr. Trump issued a stream of quarrelsome Twitter posts on Friday afternoon, pulling the plug on the trip and expressing frustration with a diplomatic process that only two months ago he declared had solved the problem of a nuclear North Korea.
“I feel we are not making sufficient progress with respect to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula,” Mr. Trump tweeted . “Because of our much tougher Trading stance with China, I do not believe they are helping with the process of denuclearization.”
Still, he added, “I would like to send my warmest regards and respect to Chairman Kim. I look forward to seeing him soon!”
But, really, after the masterful summit held earlier this year, who could have foreseen this?

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