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US Rep. Steve King Calls Out ‘Political Correctness’ For Death Of Mollie Tibbetts


U. S. Rep. Steve King called out “political correctness” after the death of Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts and others killed by illegal immigrants, on…
U. S. Rep. Steve King called out “political correctness” after the death of Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts and others killed by illegal immigrants, on Twitter Friday.
I know the faces of the parents of half the children pictured below. Every victim below would be alive today if we enforced our immigration laws. Leftists sacrificed thousands, including their own, on the altar of Political Correctness. https://t.co/7GUBJnBVr5
— Steve King (@SteveKingIA) August 24,2018
“I know the faces of the parents of half the children pictured below,” King, a Republican from Iowa’s 4th Congressional District, tweeted. “Every victim below would be alive today if we enforced our immigration laws. Leftists sacrificed thousands, including their own, on the altar of Political Correctness.”
King’s response was after he retweeted a post by nonprofit, conservative organization ForAmerica. ForAmerica’s Wednesday tweet listed 12 names of people killed by illegal immigrants including Tibbetts and Kate Steinle.
“None of their killers should have been in this country,” ForAmerica’s tweet said.
King has been outspoken about tightening border security including issues related to illegal border crossings, visa overstays and sanctuary cities. He expressed the dangers of illegal border crossings to Americans in another tweet where he cited data from World Life Expectancy on Thursday. (RELATED: A Solution To Our Visa Overstay Problem)
9 of the 10 most violent countries in the world & 16 of top 20 are south of the Rio Grand. 81% who cross border illegally are young men. Young men in every society are most violent segment. Importing millions of this demographic means death for Americans. https://t.co/Co6T8925ms pic.twitter.com/uWzCJGvAif
— Steve King (@SteveKingIA) August 23,2018
“9 of the 10 most violent countries in the world & 16 of top 20 are south of the Rio Grand. 81% who cross border illegally are young men. Young men in every society are most violent segment. Importing millions of this demographic means death for Americans,” King tweeted Thursday.
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