The Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee are all men. Their remarks during the heated Supreme Court confirmation fight over Justice Brett Kavanaugh renewed attention to the party’s fraught relationship with women.
A November ballot measure in Florida could restore voting rights to ex-felons and forever change national politics.
From Las Vegas to Georgetown Prep, variations of “what happens here stays here” are common. But where does this phrase come from and what does it really mean?
President Donald Trump mocked Christine Blasey Ford, who has claimed she was sexually assaulted by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, at a campaign rally in Mississippi on Tuesday.
First Lady Melania Trump arrived in Ghana on Tuesday, Oct. 2 on her first big solo international trip. Child well-being will be the focus of a five-day, four-country tour that will take her to all corners of the African continent.
Former First Lady Michelle Obama speaks in Miami as part of the “When We All Vote” rally in the University of Miami’s Watsco Center on Friday, Sept. 28,2018.
Dr. Christine Blasey Ford discussed her allegations that Judge Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her while the two were teenagers before the Senate Judiciary Committee on September 27,2018
From Anita Hill to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, this video spotlights the Senate’s strides in gender sensitivity and female representation.
Selfie videos, male sexuality and filming young women. These themes appear in the videos and writings of Mark Judge, revealing a partial portrait of a key figure in the sexual assault accusations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh, his high school friend.
Rod J. Rosenstein has discussed ways to remove President Trump from office. He’s also fiercely defended the special counsel for the Russia investigation, Robert S. Mueller III — one of the president’s most frequent targets.
Before the sexual assault accusation against Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Mr.Trump weighed in on allegations against several men, including himself. His past statements reveal a man quick to defend other men.
It’s nearly impossible to find a silver lining bright enough to penetrate the dark heart and chaos of our current administration, but gosh dang-it, we’re going to try!
President Trump visits Calvary Chapel in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico to hand out supplies to hurricane victims and throws paper towels into the crowd.
While speaking in New Delhi on Sept. 6, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo denied writing an opinion piece published in the New York Times. An anonymous senior administration official claimed to be part of a “resistance” working inside the White House.
Confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominees didn’t always exist. But the 19th Amendment, school desegregation and television all contributed to major changes in the process.
Andrew Gillum’s primary victory in Florida is the latest in a series of high-profile triumphs for black Democratic candidates running for governor, joining Stacey Abrams in Georgia and Ben Jealous in Maryland.
President Donald Trump announced a trade “understanding” with Mexico that could lead to an overhaul of the North American Free Trade Agreement on August 27,2018. Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto joined by speakerphone.