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'Alleluja! Time to go back to work': Federal employees return Monday, will get back pay


The estimated 800,000 federal employees who have gone without paychecks during the government shutdown should almost all get their back pay by week’s…
The estimated 800,000 federal employees who have gone without paychecks during the government shutdown should almost all get their back pay by week’s end, a top White House official said Sunday.
Mick Mulvaney, the acting White House chief of staff, told CBS News’ «Face the Nation» that the government has multiple payroll providers, and which payroll provider covers their agency will dictate how long it takes employees to get paid.
«Some of them could be early this week,» Mulvaney said. «Some of them may be later this week, but we hope that by the end of this week all of the back pay will be made up and of course the next payroll will go out on time.»
Federal employees missed their second paycheck last week. About half of those employees were considered «essential» and worked without pay, but all will be paid in full for the shutdown’s duration.
The paychecks this week are crucial because workers might find paychecks cut off again next month.

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