Start United States USA — IT A. I.-powered website creates freakishly lifelike faces of people who don’t exist

A. I.-powered website creates freakishly lifelike faces of people who don’t exist


No, this isn’t a missing person. It’s a face generated by a new artificial intelligence on the website Just in case you needed a reminder of how freakishly good A. I. is becoming at generating realistic images of people. Here’s how the A. I. works.
Have you seen this man? No, he’s not a missing person. Or at least not in any conventional sense. The face in question was generated by an artificial intelligence on the new website While it’s been clear for quite some time that modern A. I. is getting pretty darn good at generating accurate human faces, it’s a reminder of just how far we’ve come from the uncanny valley effect seen in movies like 2004’s Polar Express.
The site is the work of Philip Wang, a software engineer at Uber. Wang says that the idea for the project started in 2014 with a conversation with Ian Goodfellow, a deep -earning research scientist, currently at Google Brain, who introduced the concept of a generative adversarial network (GAN).

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