Bernie Sanders, a presidential loser who couldn’t stop corrupt Hillary Clinton and her ilk from rigging the Democratic Party apparatus against him in 2016, thinks he can make Donald Trump a one-term president. That’s as farcical as his party’s crazy “Green New Deal,” that in addition to destroying the U. S. economy and millions of jobs
Bernie Sanders, a presidential loser who couldn’t stop corrupt Hillary Clinton and her ilk from rigging the Democratic Party apparatus against him in 2016, thinks he can make Donald Trump a one-term president.
That’s as farcical as his party’s crazy “Green New Deal,” that in addition to destroying the U. S. economy and millions of jobs wants to abolish cars, cows and airplane travel, among other Big Government dreams only a socialist dictator like Nicolas Maduro could love. Good luck telling 330 million Americans that if elected, far-left Democrats and socialists alike are coming for your car, your burger and ice cream, too, because if climate alarmists do away with those pesky, flatulent cows they say are hurting the ozone, that means all milk and dairy products disappear, too.