Home United States USA — Art Barr: I’m not stopping Mueller from testifying

Barr: I’m not stopping Mueller from testifying


“It’s Bob’s call.
More to the point, William Barr can’t stop Robert Mueller from testifying, and the Attorney General knows it. Barr tells the Wall Street Journal that he’s not even involved in negotiations for Mueller’s testimony to congressional committees. He just wants to get back to his normal job:
Attorney General William Barr denied he is standing in the way of special counsel Robert Mueller’s testimony before Congress, after the chairman of the House panel seeking his appearance accused the Justice Department of being unwilling to set a date.
“It’s Bob’s call whether he wants to testify,” Mr. Barr told The Wall Street Journal Wednesday, en route to El Salvador, a trip focused on increasing international cooperation against the violent street gang MS-13, which has roots in both Central America and the U. S.
“I’m trying to break away from Washington and do the real work of the attorney general,” he said.
So why isn’t Mueller confirming his appearance at House Judiciary hearings with Jerrold Nadler? Beats me, Barr says:
Mr. Barr said only that he is aware of continuing negotiations between the special counsel’s office and the House Judiciary Committee over Mr.

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