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Michelle Goldberg: Democrats would never have put forward a story with as many problems as Tara Reade’s


“Now feminists are caught in a trap.”
Michelle Goldberg is a columnist for the NY Times. Back in 2018, she was one of the many progressives who went all in on the Christine Blasey Ford allegations against Brett Kavanaugh. She wrote a column back then titled, “Christine Blasey Ford’s sacrifice” which contained this line: “Watching her push through her evident terror was profoundly inspiring.”
Goldberg’s reaction to the allegations of Tara Reade has been somewhat different. Last month she wrote a column saying, “Reade seems almost engineered in a lab to inspire skepticism in mainstream Democrats…” Goldberg added, “if Blasey had been so inconsistent in telling her story, feminists might still have believed her, but they likely wouldn’t have made her a cause célèbre, and Democrats on Capitol Hill never would have invited her to testify publicly.

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