Home United States USA — Criminal Portland Mayor Claims Federal Police Exacerbate City's Riots as Trump Vows to...

Portland Mayor Claims Federal Police Exacerbate City's Riots as Trump Vows to Protect Citizens


The anti-racism protests in Portland began following the death of George Floyd and have at times turned violent, with rioters recently breaking into a police union…
Portland’s Democratic Mayor Ted Wheeler has condemned the presence of federal officers from the Department of Homeland Security in the city as “completely unconstitutional” and a “threat to our democracy”. Wheeler went on to allege that their presence has in no way helped to ease the anti-racism protests in Portland and argued that it has even exacerbated the scale of them, demanding that President Trump withdraw the federal officers.
Federal police were deployed after local law enforcement failed to curb the unrest after over a month of demonstrations that often escalated to clashes with law enforcement.

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