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Private Blockchains: Hyperledger vs. Quorum vs. Corda


Hyperledger, Quorum, and Corda all are private, permissioned blockchains, meaning that network participation is restricted and not anyone can be part of the …
Join the DZone community and get the full member experience. In our primitive blogs, we learned about the basics of Blockchain Technology, what are public and private blockchains. We understood the details of public blockchains like Bitcoin, Ethereum as well as private blockchains Hyperledger Fabric and Hyperledger Fabric 2, the private blockchains of the Hyperledger family. While each blockchain has its own features and advantages, not everything can be applied and implemented for a particular project or business. Every business has its own set of requirements, the challenges or problems vary from business to business and a lot of other factors like budget, infrastructure, resources, time, etc., have to be taken into account while choosing the right technology for a business project. In the case of Blockchain, a business, depending upon its nature and functionality may require to choose either a public, a private or a hybrid blockchain. While one of our previous blogs explained the difference between Bitcoin and Ethereum, the public blockchains; this blog will shed more light on the difference between Hyperledger vs. Quorum vs. Corda, the private blockchains. Check below for Hyperledger vs. Quorum vs. Corda activity protocols over the years. Hyperledger, Quorum, and Corda all are private, permissioned blockchains, meaning that participation in the network is restricted and not anyone can be part of the blockchain.

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