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Google Fends Off Zero-Day Vulnerability with New Chrome Update


The latest version of Google Chrome addresses an actively exploited zero-day vulnerability and other security flaws.
(Image: Getty) Google released a new version of Chrome for Windows, macOS, and Linux to address an actively exploited zero-day vulnerability and other security flaws in the web’s most popular browser. The company said Chrome 91.0.4472.101 includes 14 security fixes related to vulnerabilities of varying severity; the zero-day vulnerability is known as CVE-2021-30551. It didn’t offer many details about the security flaw, which was reported by members of Google’s Threat Analysis Group and Google Project Zero on June 4, but it did say that it „is aware that an exploit for CVE-2021-30551 exists in the wild.“ Google Threat Analysis Group director Shane Huntley tweeted on June 9 that CVE-2021-30551 is related to a Windows vulnerability, CVE-2021-33742, that Microsoft patched the day prior.

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