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Netflix Signs Spielberg. Disney Hears ‘Jaws’ Music.


There’s no point in the streaming service releasing a movie a week if they aren’t any good. A deal with Steven Spielberg can change that.
When Steven Spielberg agrees to make movies for Netflix Inc., it’s no longer just a Covid-19 pandemic phenomenon. Even if the box office’s relocation to the living room is only a partial one, it is permanent. And it’s forcing Hollywood and Netflix to realize how much they need each other. In a game-changing announcement Monday, Spielberg’s production company, Amblin Partners, signed a deal to produce multiple films a year for Netflix, attaching one of Hollywood’s most influential producers and legendary directors — “Jaws,” “E.T.,” “Jurassic Park” — to the most popular entertainment venue of recent times. It’s significant in that Spielberg and Netflix once represented industry antipodes ( “Hell Freezes Over?” read one entertainment site’s headline Monday). Beyond the symbolism, though, the result of the partnership may be meaningful for Netflix users and investors concerned about the at-times subpar quality of its library. In the 14 years since Netflix began offering online content, it has single-handedly revamped the concept of home entertainment, slayed pesky cable contracts and reshaped Hollywood, all largely to the benefit of consumers. But while variety and choice were its signature offerings, the streaming-video provider wasn’t known for quality filmmaking.

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