The DC comics franchise sprawls many properties that revolve around its heroes, from printed materials and animated films to live-action movies and games. The
The DC comics franchise sprawls many properties that revolve around its heroes, from printed materials and animated films to live-action movies and games. The lion’s share of attention has been given to Superman and Batman, but fans are aware of how important a third hero is in the DC universe. Wonder Woman has been given a bunch of attention recently, especially now that Gal Godot has taken on the role, and now she’s finally getting her own solo game. The Game Awards/YouTube There will definitely be a lot of discussions about who is at the center of the DC universe, but few will probably contest that Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman are its pillars. The Amazon princess proved herself an equal match to the strength, intelligence, and conviction of DC’s two male icons, but Wonder Woman didn’t always get the same treatment in terms of merchandise and products until lately.