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Predicting Kingdom Hearts IV’s new Disney worlds


As both a big fan of Disney and Kingdom Hearts, I have a better shot than most at guessing which Disney properties will inspire KH4.
Kingdom Hearts IV is coming. I know that sounds like a threat to some of you, but it’s great news for fans of Square Enix’s Disney RPG series like me. And with a new Kingdom Hearts on the horizon, it’s time to speculate! A lot of the fun of these games comes from seeing how they adapt different Disney films into levels. As both a big fan of Disney and Kingdom Hearts, I have a better shot than most at guessing which Disney properties will inspire this new entry’s worlds. Although the first trailer is brief, it does offer us some clues. Sora is stuck in a realistic looking city that’s also some sort of afterlife, at least for him. While the new look may give you the impression that KH4 could have less Disney flavor than previous entries, the trailer also makes it clear that Sora will explore more worlds. Plus, Goofy and Donald look poised to join Sora on his adventures again. Still, I do think that this realistic makeover is in part to help Sora blend in better with more live action Disney properties. But I’m still expecting to see Disney worlds inspired by animated films. Kingdom Hearts III already changed Sora’s look depending on which world he visited, including giving him a more realistic appearance in the Pirates of the Caribbean level. I’m also guessing seven worlds, since that’s how many Disney stages we had in Kingdom Hearts III. I’m also trying to think realistically. As much as I want worlds from The Rocketeer, National Treasure, The Muppets, and Alien, I don’t think they’re likely (although a Great Gonzo summon would rule). Now then, let’s get to those predictions. Eagle-eyed fans have already spotted what looks like the foot of an AT-ST during the opening shots of the Kingdom Hearts IV reveal, which happen to show a forested area that looks a lot like the forest moon of Endor from Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. Even during the buildup to Kingdom Hearts III, many wondered and hoped that Star Wars and Marvel would make appearances. I can’t imagine that series director Tetsuya Nomura would want to make a Kingdom Hearts IV if he wasn’t able to secure those franchises. And I can’t imagine Disney would say no, given the success of Kingdom Hearts III and its willingness to throw Star Wars and Marvel at any multimedia project imaginable.

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