Home United States USA — Science The Memorial Day Long Weekend Highlights Why We Need A 4-Day Workweek

The Memorial Day Long Weekend Highlights Why We Need A 4-Day Workweek


In the stress and anxiety-inducing era we are in, a three-day weekend may be one of the answers to our problems. It allows for people to take a longer break, relax and recuperate, and forge closer relationships, leading us to become happier.
5-Day Workweeks Without Much Vacation Time Is Inhumane
The much anticipated Memorial Day holiday ushers in a three-day weekend. Having that extra day off feels great. It offers time to decompress and enjoy precious moments with family and friends. After doing chores such as cleaning the house and mowing the lawn, running errands, and attending to your never-ending daily responsibilities and obligations, there is still some time left to engage in hobbies, sports, fitness, reading, and savoring the time disconnected from the office. The additional day off allows us to enjoy more time on the beach, visiting relatives, attending a music concert, sporting event or other pleasurable activities. When we return to work next week, it will be for only four days. Back at work, whether in-office or remotely, after the good feelings fade away, the stark realization of how harsh it is for us to be required to work five days a week—with only a couple of weeks off plus some personal time and sick days—is inhumane. With all the new technologies, software, apps, and spyware snooping on your daily tasks, we are almost always working or on call. It’s not a civilized way to live. There isn’t sufficient time to distress and reboot. The results of unrelenting work without an appropriate amount of time off could be one of the contributors to our mental health and burnout crisis.
4-Day Workweeks Benefit Both Employers And Employees
Post pandemic, people have been calling for greater flexibility and autonomy over their work lives. They want a balance of life and work. Companies are challenged with finding, recruiting and retaining workers in this tight job market. Given that businesses must address the needs of their employees or risk having them leave to competitors, leaders have to think outside of the box for solutions. Knowing how great it feels to have one less day of work, instituting a four-day workweek may be the answer to making both employers and employees happier. The truncated workweek increases employee satisfaction, and a tighter connection with the company team members. Reducing an employee’s work schedule to a 4-day workweek may help improve productivity and cut down on stress.

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