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Nolte: CNN Apologized to Everyone but Nikki Haley


CNN and Don Lemon have apologized to everyone but the actual person the sexist remark was aimed at, Nikki Haley.
Have you noticed that?
Have you noticed how Lemon’s desperate, anti-science, Thursday morning insult was aimed directly at the former Republican South Carolina governor and how, in the days since, CNN has twisted and turned it into an insult against all women… No, no, it’s not even that… What CNN has actually done is twist and turn an insult aimed at Haley into an insult against Lemon’s charmless co-hosts, Poppy Harlow and Nurse Rached.
Before we go any further, please allow me to be perfectly clear about something. This is not me demanding an apology for Nikki Haley or anyone else. I have great respect for sincere apologies. America could use more sincere apologies. Alternately, I have nothing but contempt for forced apologies, the bullies who demand them, and the cucks who squeak them. That’s not the point of my argument here. In fact…
I’m glad that neither CNN nor credibly accused sexual assaulter Don Lemon have apologized to Haley. I don’t want CNN to start behaving like decent human beings or a professional media organization. No, I want CNN and Lemon to continue to expose themselves as the hate-filled, hypocritical, indecent, lying, violence-loving, terrorist-enabling sacks of garbage they are.
Trust me, I don’t want CNN chief Chris Licht changing a thing over there. Almost nothing in my professional life gives me more pleasure than watching CNN crash and burn. Anything that stopped or delayed that crash and burn would give me the sadz.
Never change, CNNLOL. Decent people need the lulz.
Where was I?
Oh, yeah…
So credibly accused sexual assaulter and serial liar Don Lemon has issued three apologies… Here are the original comments followed by the “””””apologies”””””:
DON LEMON: This whole talk about age makes me uncomfortable.

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