Home United States USA — IT Apple’s Vision Pro headset uses your eyes in three amazingly new ways

Apple’s Vision Pro headset uses your eyes in three amazingly new ways


This article is about three innovative, patented ways Apple’s Vision Pro headset uses eyes and vision-tracking technology like never before
Apple Vision Pro’s incredible engineering effort to craft a whole new AR operating environment starts and ends with what you do with your eyes. From hugely precise eye-tracking to use it as a virtual mouse to deploying vision sensors to track your hand movements for input actions, Apple’s spatial computing future puts a lot of focus on your eyes. Check out the awesome Tim Cook intro cut of the Vision Pro in the video below…
Not just this, but the following three patented technologies are central to make the Vision Pro reality come to life like nothing you’ve ever seen before in any other AR/XR headset till date:
Also read: Apple Vision Pro is superior to Meta Quest 3 but is that a reason to spend on it?
1) Optic ID: This patented technology uses a person’s iris (which is unique for every person) in their eye as part of a new secure authentication system.

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