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Why Fallout 5 Can Learn From Fallout 76's Approach to Raiders


Fallout 76 tried a new angle when it comes to dealing with the series’ typical raiders, and Fallout 5 can expand on that approach.
One big change could come to Fallout 5’s raiders is the game takes some ideas that were brought forward by Fallout 76. At this point, it’s difficult to imagine a Fallout title without raiders, given their continuous appearances at almost all levels of the games. Even so, even the most long-running parts of the series can generally use some sort of innovation every now and then. With raiders being an aspect of the Fallout universe that is impossible to ignore, it could be their turn, giving Fallout 5 could give fans a completely new version of the standby enemies.
Although Fallout’s raiders can’t be jumped on like Super Mario’s Goombas, their role is quite similar. They are one of the most common enemies in the games, although their weapons make them far more dangerous than Goombas typically are. Unless a part of the map is completely controlled by monsters or a certain faction, there’s a safe bet that raiders will be roaming somewhere. Players of all skill levels will have to contend with them eventually, in quests as well as random encounters. In almost all of these occasions, there is no way for the player to talk their way out of the impending fight.

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