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Cities Skylines 2 Landscaping Guide


To use landscaping tools in Cities Skylines 2, all you need to do is access them from the tool list at the bottom of your screen.
Cities Skylines 2 presents new maps with varying and uneven landscapes. While it looks wonderful, it can become challenging for the players to build their metropolitan dream city in such a region. Thankfully, unlike its predecessor, the Landscaping Tools are completely free here, which presents a little bit of ease in the situation.
In this guide, we explain all the landscaping tools available for you to use and how to use them.How to use Landscaping Tools in Cities Skylines 2
To begin terraforming, you have an array of tools available to you. To access them in the tool list at the bottom of your game screen, you will find a landscaping icon. Click on that and open the menu to use the terraforming tools for landscaping. The following is the list of options you have, and we will explain how you can use them.Shift Terrain Tool
The first tool available to you is the Shift Terrain Tool. This has two separate functions bind to your left and right mouse click. The purpose of this tool is to create a terrain with varying heights so you can use this to create mountains artificially.
To make a raised platform, select this tool, set your brush size and strength to 15 or 20%, and left-click, and it will start forming the raised platform. You can also create trenches and canyons by taking the height into negative. You can do this by simply right-clicking on the materials. Everything else is the same.Level Terrain Tool
The Level Terrain landscaping Tool in Cities Skylines 2 will likely be your next best friend.

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