Home United States USA — Science Reporting Israel-Hamas war, accuracy is essential

Reporting Israel-Hamas war, accuracy is essential


Shaping our views of a growing war
The war raging in the Mideast obviously has vast international implications. Opinions are largely based on reporting by the national television and cable networks and a handful of national news outlets like The New York Times, , Wall Street Journal and the Associated Press.
Getting at the full truth of what is happening in any war is impossible. Aside from the limited access reporters have to wartime operations, there is the expanse of the geography that precludes reporters having first-hand access to some events. Seeking to get the truth to pass along to readers and viewers, skilled reporters are trained to be skeptical of news sources. Reporters know that advocates for one side or the other will lie to them, no doubt justifying some greater good, particularly in war time.
So, what’s a reporter to do when he or she can’t independently verify what a source is saying? Often, they rely on sources with whom they have a past relationship and a proven history of accuracy. That’s no guarantee they’re not being lied to, but, until proven otherwise, reporters usually trust those sources. When I was a reporter I would tell a source, “Lie to me once and I will never trust what you say again.”
When Israel said 1,400 people were massacred on Oct. 7 by Hamas terrorists who crossed the border into Israel, there were few who questioned the number.

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