Home United States USA — Political Colorado Geniuses Ban Trump to Prove US Elections Are Fair

Colorado Geniuses Ban Trump to Prove US Elections Are Fair


Really, there are moments in time when those on the left are so dishonest that they leave Americans wishing for a return to the Good Old Days of just plain, everyday hypocrisy. They would crucify Brett M. Kavanaugh for a rape he never committed alleged by a lying woman he never met on a dateThe Colorado Supreme Court actually has voted 4–3 to deny Donald Trump the right to stand for reelection to be our 47th president.
Really, there are moments in time when those on the left are so dishonest that they leave Americans wishing for a return to the Good Old Days of just plain, everyday hypocrisy.
They would crucify Brett M. Kavanaugh for a rape he never committed alleged by a lying woman he never met on a date she cannot remember in a location she cannot describe. But they will not believe outright hard evidence that Hamas-ISIS Arab terrorists raped Israeli Jewish women despite photographs, blood, and even bodycams worn by the rapists.
It is that quality of deceit that defines the world of lies now dominating a whole segment of America. University presidents preach free speech, even to the point of legitimizing calling for the mass murder and eradication of the Jewish people — not just some Jews but The Jewish People — yet these First Amendment “purists” will publicly destroy a professor who uses a Chinese word that happens to sound like a word that Blacks use all the time, as Blacks jam-pack the lyrics of so much of their hip-hop and rap with that six-letter word forbidden to be spoken, written, or thought by those of White privilege.
It is Little Snot Greta Thunberg, the “climate change” movement’s answer to Shirley Temple, standing at a United Nations platform to lecture the world on the steps she knows, as an immature brat, must be taken to save lives and prevent needless deaths — even as she attends and even leads public demonstrations supporting Hamas terrorism and mass murder of Jews. Wearing a keffiyeh, she chants, “There can be no climate justice without international solidarity.” Finally, the Marxist roots of the movement spill out from a Swedish child too filled with hate for Jews to realize what she is revealing.
So, Al Gore proclaimed that the “science is settled” on “global warming.” Then, as the science changed, the term “global warming” was replaced by “climate change.” And now that Swedish Snot has moved the dial further from “climate change” to “climate justice.” Thus, even as Hamas pollutes the air, destroys the Gaza water supply, drops missiles and rockets and years of incendiary balloons that destroy farms and grass and trees, they are on the right side of Greta Thunberg, in contrast to Israel, a world leader on climate-protecting technologies. Why? Because Thunberg no longer is about “climate change” but is about “climate justice.” And Hamas, a prototypical purveyor of mass injustice, is Thunberg’s symbol of “climate justice.”
These things transcend hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is nice and sweet by comparison.

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