Home United States USA — software LandSpace to perform third launch of reusable rocket – TWIRL #141

LandSpace to perform third launch of reusable rocket – TWIRL #141


We have a pretty ordinary week in rocket launches this week as they are mostly satellite launches. An interesting rocket launching this week is the Zhuque ZQ-2, which will soon be reusable.
We have a pretty ordinary week in terms of rocket launches this week. There are no manned missions or anything like that, instead we will see SpaceX, China, and Chinese companies launch satellites into space.

Who: SpaceX
What: Falcon 9 B5
When: 4:00 – 4:59 a.m.
Where: Space Launch Complex 40, Cape Canaveral, US
Why: SpaceX will be launching 23 Starlink satellites into a low Earth orbit. This batch is designated as Starlink Group 6-31, you can use this to observe these satellites using apps like ISS Detector. As you can see these satellites, this is a problem for astronomers, to reduce the visual noise, SpaceX has applied an anti-reflective coating to the satellites.

What: Long March 2C
When: 4:10 a.m. UTC
Where: Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre
Why: This rocket will be carrying an unknown payload into space.
Who: Galactic Energy
What: Ceres GX-1
When: 11:30 p.

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