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Take a bow, liberal America, President Trump 2.0 is on YOU – for your crime and wokery. broken borders and trans madness. Biden corruption cover-up and Donald indictment hysteria: After THAT primary, MAUREEN CALLAHAN's brutal verdict


It’s the rematch no one wants, but it’s the one we’re going to get. Last night’s blowout win seals it: Trump, who smashed Nikki Haley in the New Hampshire primary, will be the Republican nominee.
It’s the rematch no one wants, but it’s the one we’re going to get.
Last night’s blowout win seals it: Donald Trump, who beat Nikki Haley in the New Hampshire primary by over 10 points, will be the Republican nominee.
So here we go again: in one corner, a fossil who can barely keep his eyes open, or speak clearly and forcefully, or demonstrate he’s capable of knowing where he is at any given moment.
This contender is propped up by a left-leaning media insisting that come election time — his 82nd birthday in the offing — Joe Biden is and will remain compos mentis, full of energy, and that under his leadership, America has never been better.
In the other is an agent of chaos whose own high-level former advisers continue to warn us against him.
He faces 91 felony counts in four states. He tried to overturn the results of the last presidential election. He is a sexual assaulter, and a madman showing his age, 77 years old and now, too, slurring and misspeaking on the stump.
America deserves better. But now it’s inevitable.
And as we re-litigate our nation’s soul and body politic — this exorcism we must endure — one thing is becoming clear: It’s time to brace for President Trump 2.0.
Unlike 2016, all the polls point to it.
Take a look at South Carolina, Haley’s home state. Trump is beating her by 30 points. It’s a matter of when, not if, she drops out, leaving Trump the victor.
You can see it now: The bulk of 24-hour cable news personalities weeping into their coffee and wondering how this could possibly have come to pass.
Before going any further, let me state clearly: I am no fan of Trump. The idea of another Trump presidency is abhorrent to me — but like so many Americans, I feel the same way about Biden.
November 5 is looking to be a total Sophie’s Choice, and the electorate’s disgust is borne out by the polls, which have shown for months that nearly 60 percent of Americans don’t want a repeat of 2020.
Count me among them. The world is on fire, America is in decline, and this is the best we can do?
Nevertheless, we need to talk about this likely outcome — one that Democrats and their water-bearers in the leftist establishment reject at their peril.
Not least because they laid the groundwork for a Trump resurgence.
Not that they would ever admit it.
Even those voters repulsed by Trump, his first term and January 6 will be taking another look at him, in no small part because of the left’s hysteria and hypocrisy.
Really, they’ve learned nothing from 2016, when we were assured of a dead certain Hillary Clinton victory.
Let’s take the scandal that dominated that election cycle: Russia-gate.
It was a total hoax, one much of the mainstream media initially took as fact and repeated for years. When all evidence ultimately pointed to its fabrication — and Hillary’s former campaign manager testified in federal court that it was Hillary who had personally approved leaking this false report — these same outlets never really acknowledged it as such.
Smash cut to 2024, and it’s the same tired story.
Hunter Biden’s laptop, influence-peddling, and patent presidential corruption remain virtually untouched by left-leaning publications, which peddle the White House line and ignore the Bidens’ dishonesty in dismissing it all as, yes, another possible Russian hoax – or, better still, a MAGA witch hunt.
And the New York Times wonders why Trump has traction.
Those felony charges Trump faces in multiple states, including DA Alvin Bragg’s preposterous indictment over the payment of hush money to a porn star, have made Trump a political martyr — a result any dispassionate observer could easily have predicted.

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