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5 Valuable Pieces Of Old Tech You Can Find Cheap At Garage Sales


Garage sales are great places to snatch up some deals, and sometimes you can even find some valuable old tech. Here are five things to look out for.
Centuries ago, when a ship would arrive in a port, sailors would unload leftover and damaged cargo and put it up for sale. In 19th century America, churches and charities often organized similar events, letting people rummage through piles of random items.
These rummage sales, as they were called, can be described as the earliest precursor to what we now know as garage sales or yard sales. And while the internet may have changed the way we do business, Americans across the nation still organize garage sales to declutter their homes and make some extra money while at it.
Traditions and culture aside, those who know what to look for can often make a real score at a garage sale. All it takes is a bit of patience, and an ounce of bargaining skill. Here are five pieces of old tech that you might be able to snag for a reasonable price the next time one of your neighbors decides to do a spring cleaning.Analog audio equipment
People have always wanted to listen to music on the go. Long before Spotify and Tidal, we had MP3 players and CD players. Before that, there was the Walkman. First released in the early 1980s, it changed our relationship to music forever, turning a traditionally communal activity into a deeply personal experience. And guess what? You might be able to get one for cheap at a garage sale.
In fact, all sorts of audio equipment is often put up for sale by people who are content with playing music through their smartphones: boomboxes, speakers, tape recorders, cassette players, headphones — you don’t have to be an audiophile to appreciate them for what they are. If you’re an amateur DJ or a hobby musician, you probably shouldn’t miss the next garage sale in your area. If you’re lucky, you could get your hands on analog recording equipment, a musical instrument, an amplifier, or an old record player.

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