Home United States USA — Financial Nikki Haley to Trump: You're Going to Have to Earn my Vote

Nikki Haley to Trump: You're Going to Have to Earn my Vote


Haley voters are up for grabs. Who wants them more – Donald Trump or Joe Biden? That’s the question today. 
Nikki Haley suspended her campaign today. “I have no regrets,” she said as she delivered a short speech to supporters. She did not endorse Donald Trump. I didn’t anticipate that she would do that today. That may change down the road, we’ll have to wait and see. She did offer her congratulations to Trump and wished him well.
Haley liked to say that her campaign was not all about her, that it was not personal. She said she was running for the sake of America. I believed that, to some extent. What is reality, though, is that politics are personal. This is especially true for politicians. Look no further than Donald Trump. He frequently says that his second term, if he wins in November, will include some form of retaliation against those who wronged him. It’s a human response. Or, look at Joe Biden. He is suffering from dementia, yet he still claims he is the only one who can beat Donald Trump so he is running for re-election. 
Haley’s speech today was measured and I think she did pretty well, all things considered. She finally had to admit defeat. She noted that she is a conservative Republican and has always been. She wants a return to bringing down the national debt, smaller government, term limits on members of Congress to end the dysfunction, a push against isolationism while the world is on fire, and she wants Republicans to bind together.
Trump needs to unite the party but he’s going to have to work for it, she said. Trump received the endorsement of Mitch McConnell today. He received the endorsement of Speaker Johnson, too. Senator Thune endorsed him. The Establishment is coming together for Trump as was always going to be the case. That is what the Republican Party does. It supports its nominee, no matter how bruising the primary ends up being. 
That is something that Trump supporters sometimes forget. The Establishment Republicans built the party. Trump brought populism to the forefront to grow the party.

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