Home United States USA — IT Infrared filter allows everyday eyeglasses to double as night vision lenses

Infrared filter allows everyday eyeglasses to double as night vision lenses


Night vision technologies have a wide range of applications, from sports to military and medical operations. However, they are limited by bulky light-processing and cryogenic cooling components,.
Something to look forward to: Night vision goggles have their uses but also many drawbacks, including their weight. A new development eliminates this cost-benefit analysis – in fact, it could revolutionize night vision technologies as we know them. Researchers have created an infrared filter that is thinner than a piece of cling wrap, weighs less than a gram, and can be placed over standard eyeglasses to allow the wearer to see in the dark.
Night vision technologies have a wide range of applications, from sports to military and medical operations. However, they are limited by bulky light-processing and cryogenic cooling components, as well as their reliance on narrow bandgap semiconductors, such as InGaAs, which require low-temperature operation and have high noise levels.
Additionally, these systems often block visible light. This gear can weigh more than two pounds, making it impractical and possibly unsafe to strap on a pair of goggles and go for a nighttime run.
Researchers in Australia have now discovered that using metasurface-based up-conversion technology – an ultra-thin material that can capture infrared and visible light at the same time – everyday eyewear can be augmented with night vision.

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