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7 Things Kamala Harris Has Never Done That Will Hamstring Her As President


Don’t play ‘Never Have I Ever’ with Kamala Harris. She would kill at that game. Here are seven key things she has never done.
Who would you rather have a beer with: Donald Trump or Kamala Harris? Trick question. Trump doesn’t drink and Harris’ handlers aren’t going to let her off the leash for a drink with you, loser.
But if you did somehow end up at a table with Harris and a bottle of wine, don’t play “Never Have I Ever.” She would kill at that game. Here are seven things Kamala Harris has never done:1. Had a Meaningful Unscripted Interview as the Democrat Presidential Candidate
Kamala Harris likes her interviews the way Democrats used to like their abortions: “safe” and rare. She is playing hard-to-get with the American people. Voters are almost desperate to hear from her. But don’t be thirsty for her just because she has finally agreed to an interview.
Like President Joe Biden, or February’s groundhog, when someone rarely comes out of captivity, our expectations are lowered. For Biden, we’ve been impressed when he makes it up the stairs of Air Force One without incident. For Punxsutawney Phil, we’re just glad when no one drops him. And with Harris, perhaps it will take nothing more than the absence of a word salad or minimal cackling for the fawning media to be impressed with her performance.
But showing up in a controlled setting cannot be the measure. She will be sitting in a joint interview with a friendly reporter, CNN’s Dana Bash, and Harris will be assisted by Vice Presidential Candidate Tim Walz.
Harris took interviews before she became the lead Democrat, but now she must prove she can think on her feet all by herself, that she can handle opposition smartly, that she understands complex issues, and that she can be trusted to negotiate the world’s most consequential problems without wavering.
So far, all she has proven is that she excels at hiding from the media and Americans can look forward to four years of her dodging reporters on her walk to a helicopter on the White House lawn.2. Told the Truth About Joe Biden’s Health
Anyone who has cared for someone in physical or cognitive decline could see Biden’s feeble condition has worsened since the 2020 election. It is obvious to Americans even with limited access, mostly through short video clips and a few, highly orchestrated public appearances. The falls, the jumbled speech, and the struggles to find his way off the stage had many calling it cruel to keep Biden working, humiliating him in public. Even after Biden appeared to fall asleep in front of world leaders at various events, no one intervened for the good of the country.

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