Telegram is changing its policies and will now provide your phone number and IP address to authorities upon request.
Telegram, the messaging app best known for being a free-for-all private space, is changing its stance on user privacy. This follows the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov last month in France, where he faced charges including “enabling illegal transactions”.
After Durov was detained he was then forbidden from traveling outside France as the courts addressed his case. At first, Durov remained firm on Telegram’s policies about free speech and not restricting its users. This also landed him with charges for not cooperating with the authorities.
In a show of support for Durov and his platform, downloads for Telegram soared through the roof during that time period. Telegram quickly became the second most popular social app on the App Store in the U.
United States
USA — IT Telegram caves: will provide your phone number and IP address to authorities