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Julie Swetnick Says She Is ‘Disgusted’ By Her Treatment


Julie Swetnick says she is “disgusted” and “appalled” by the public reaction to her uncorroborated claims against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. In a statement…
Julie Swetnick says she is “disgusted” and “appalled” by the public reaction to her uncorroborated claims against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
In a statement released Sunday through her attorney, Swetnick took issue with the public’s treatment of her after claiming she witnessed Kavanuagh participate in numerous gang rape parties as a high school teenager. The Kavanaugh accuser said the ordeal has “re-victimized” her.
“As a sexual assault victim, I am disgusted and appalled by the way that I have been re-victimized over the last 2 weeks after I had the courage to come forward,” Swetnick said in a statement released by her lawyer, Michael Avenatti. “I had every right to come forward and I literally placed my life in jeopardy to do so.”
Below please find a statement from my client Julie Swetnick regarding the Kavanaugh nomination. I urge you to read it. pic.twitter.com/kBHL7cm8Pi
— Michael Avenatti (@MichaelAvenatti) October 7,2018
“I stated the truth in my sworn declaration and I stand by everything in it,” Swetnick continued. “Every American should be outraged about how I and the others that came forward were treated and shamed.”
Setnick, a 55-year-old living in Washington, D. C., came forward in September and accused Kavanaugh of having spiked girls’ drinks and attended parties were gang rapes occurred in the 1980s. Swetnick was a college-aged woman who attended numerous parties that involved Kavanaugh and “trains” of high school boys who lined up to rape girls, according to her allegations. (RELATED: Who Is Julie Swetnick, The Avenatti Client Accusing Kavanaugh Of Attending Gang Rape Parties?)
The IT professional originally offered the names of four people she claimed could corroborate her story. Of the four, two did not respond, a third was dead and the fourth said he did not remember Swetnick.
Swetnick’s credibility had taken a hit when details of her past came to light and people who knew her personally came forward.
Her former employer filed a lawsuit against her in 2000 that alleged she engaged in “unwelcome, sexually offensive conduct” towards two male co-workers. A former boyfriend in 2001 filed a retraining order against her, claiming she threatened to harm him and his new-born baby.
A former Washington, D. C. weatherman, Dennis Ketterer, wrote a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee claiming that when he dated Swetnick in the 19990s, she told him she enjoyed group sex. Additionally, Ketterer claimed when he tried to get back in touch with Swetnick to see if she could help with his congressional campaign, her father told him she had “psychological and other problems” and would not be of any help.
Kavanuagh not only denied the allegations, but also called them “a joke.” In their investigation into the accusations against him, the FBI did not even look into Swetnick’s claims.
Following the Kavanaugh’s confirmation, Democrats have admitted that her allegations likely ruined their attempts to torpedo his placement to the Supreme Court.
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