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How The 2018 Midterm Elections Could Help Women And Boost Equal Pay Laws


The 2018 midterm elections resulted in unprecedented victories for women candidates, but will it be enough to create meaningful change for women in the workplace?
Democrat Ilhan Omar is interviewed by The Associated Press Wednesday, Nov. 7,2018, in Minneapolis after winning Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District race in Tuesday’s election. She will be the first Somali American to serve in Congress and one of the first two Muslim women to serve in Congress. The 2018 midterm elections proved to be a historic year for women and women of color winning elected office at nearly every level of government in the United States. (AP Photo/Jim Mone)
The 2018 midterm elections resulted in unprecedented victories for women candidates, but will it be enough to create meaningful change for women in the workplace? Do more women elected into office lead to gains in the boardroom and the economy? These are the questions I found myself asking as I watched the election results come in last night. Following a year of intense interest by women to run for office, the 116th United States House session will convene as one of the most diverse groups of elected officials that Congress has ever seen. In fact, as many as 100 women may be seated as Congressional representatives, which will be the most female elected officials every seated in that legislative body. Yet with this new configuration, as well as key gubernatorial wins, I still wonder if this will create enough momentum to speed up the future of equal pay. The current projection is that it will take until 2059 for women to get to pay parity. But a change is happening, and examining the dynamics of women running for office this cycle reveal subtle and positive shifts as women claim political leadership and power. It also reveals some of the work that still needs to be done around money and gender.
Three big victories emerged from the 2018 election season: more women donated to campaigns, more women ran for office, and more women won. While all three aspects are encouraging signs, both women donors and candidates lag behind their male counterparts in terms of money. In fact, much like women business owners, these donors and candidates both experience a gender fundraising gap. But the encouraging sign to look for is that the number of women participating in both activities is significantly rising.
According to the Center for Responsive Politics, as originally reported by Roll Call, the number of women donating to political campaigns is drawing closer to men than ever before. In 2016,615,000 men donated to federal campaigns versus 303,000 women. During the 2018 primary election season, 989,000 men donated to federal campaigns, and a whopping 854,000 women donated, nearly three times the number of donors when compared to the previous election cycle. Unfortunately, that ratio doesn’t translate into more donor clout. Men donated a total of $984 Million in 2016, and $1.1 Billion in 2018. By comparison, women donated a total $353 Million in 2016, and only $441 Million in 2018.
This difference in fundraising dollars may be part of the reason why women candidates face their own funding gap. While money alone doesn’t spell for political success, the Center for Responsive Politics also found that congressional candidates with more financial support tend to win. This is important because according to NPR analysis, women on average raise $500K less than their male counterparts.
Yet, despite these gaps, women candidates across the U. S. shattered records. Ninety-six women were elected to the US House, and it’s expected that this number will rise to over 100 after recount proceedings. Twelve women were elected to the US Senate, and nine women were elected as governor. “The historic number – and the diversity – of women elected yesterday in red, blue and purple states will bring new and much-needed perspectives that have been left out of decision-making for far too long,” said Kim Churches, CEO of the American Association of University Women. “I’m confident women leaders will bring a renewed focus on policies that ensure economic security for families—and that includes gender pay equity, which isn’t only a woman’s issue, but rather an economic and family issue that affects everyone.” In fact, the Institute for Women’s Policy Research found that leveling pay could add as much as $513 billion to the US economy.
The election results might also signal that there is faith that women elected officials could do more to implement better minimum wage laws and laws that combat sexual harassment in the workplace, both issues that play directly into women achieving equal pay. “The pro-choice victories we saw in the House, in governors mansions, and in state legislatures across the country were critical steps in building the infrastructure for passing policies that help women achieve greater economic stability in this country,” said Ilyse Hogue, President of NARAL Pro-Choice America. In fact, reproductive rights – an issue that has been under direct and continued attack by many now unseated Congressional members – has a direct link to whether or not a woman might achieve equal pay in her own career. “We know that when women have greater access to reproductive health care and can exercise our constitutional right to decide if, when, and how to grow our families, women do better economically, communities grow stronger, and society as a whole thrives,” said Hogue.
While most attention is focused on federal elections, the election results of four states might have the potential for the fastest impact on state equal pay laws. The AAUW tracks state laws and rates their effectiveness for supporting and protecting equal pay for women and other groups. According to their rating, three states with moderate laws now have Democratic women governors. Janet Mills was elected in Maine, Gretchen Whitmer was elected in Michigan, and Michelle Lujan Grisham was elected in New Mexico. One state with weak equal pay laws – Kansas – elected democrat Laura Kelly. These four state executives now have the ability to pass executive orders or provide the political leadership needed to rapidly change and strengthen equal pay laws. These and other governors have the ability to close the pay gap for millions of women with a stroke of a pen. By doing so, there might be as many as 48 states with laws that protect a woman’s legal right to be equally paid for equal work.

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