Home United States USA — IT Amazon is building a fleet of autonomous robots to deliver packages to...

Amazon is building a fleet of autonomous robots to deliver packages to your door


Amazon has announced the launch of a new delivery robot service called Amazon Scout. To start with, a fleet of six of these robots will be deployed on a trial basis in a neighborhood in Snohomish County, Washington. Should all go well, other locations will presumably follow suit before too long.
Having explored every time-saving delivery option from flying warehouses and package-carrying drones to checkout-free retail stores and even the controversial Amazon Key, it was only going to be so long until Amazon hopped aboard the delivery robot bandwagon. That’s what it has announced today with the launch of a brand-new service it’s referring to as Amazon Scout.
These last-mile delivery robots, which are essentially hampers on wheels, can navigate autonomously to their destination to drop off packages which are stowed securely inside. Amazon has begun a trial featuring six of these robots in one neighborhood in Snohomish County, Washington, where they’ll be delivering packages during daylight hours on weekends.

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