Home GRASP GRASP/China Duke Professor Is Sorry For Urging Chinese Students Not To Speak Chinese

Duke Professor Is Sorry For Urging Chinese Students Not To Speak Chinese


A Duke University professor’s email asking Chinese students not to speak their native language in the buildings that house the department of biostatistics has…
A Duke University professor’s email asking Chinese students not to speak their native language in the buildings that house the department of biostatistics has created quite a stir both in the United States and in China.
The email was sent by Megan Neely, director of graduate studies in the biostatistics. After two colleagues complained to her about Chinese students speaking their mother tongue “VERY LOUDLY in the student lounge/ study areas,” she emailed first- and second-year biostatistics graduate students: “PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep these unintended consequences in mind when you choose to speak in Chinese in the building,” the email read. “I have no idea how hard it has been and still is for you to come to the US and have to learn in a non-native language. As such, I have the upmost respect for what you are doing. That being said, I encourage you to commit to using English 100% of the time when you are in Hock or any other professional setting.”
On Sunday, Neely sent a follow-up email with an apology: “I deeply regret the hurt my email has caused.” She has “asked to step down” from her position as director of graduate studies for the master’s program, according to an email from Mary E. Klotman, dean of the Duke University School of Medicine.
But the apology has not put an end to the social media debate over her initial request.
The topic with the hashtag “Duke University professor who forbid students speaking Chinese resigned” has been viewed over 130 million times on Weibo, the country’s equivalent to Twitter. Many Chinese found what Neely said discriminatory.
“This is utter racism,” said a person on Weibo, who identified himself as a Chinese citizen studying in the U. S. “Why didn’t she send emails to Indian and Latino students as well? They talk loudly in their own languages too!”
“Can I interpret this as America seeing our country as a big threat, as they feel culturally inferior than us?” posted another commenter.

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