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Why so slow, Joe? Biden moves back VP announcement again


Problems keep popping up
Joe Biden finds himself in quite a pickle. The closer he gets to announcing a choice for his running mate, the more controversies pop up about the alleged frontrunners. Whether it’s trips to Cuba and fawning over Castro or baggage over past actions in office, some of the women on his list are potential disasters waiting to happen. Let’s be honest – Joe Biden isn’t making the decision anyway. His team is doing it for him and they’ll let him know when a decision is made. All of the possible candidates are female and most are women of color because that is what is expected in today’s political climate. Sorry, Elizabeth Warren. She is not only a White woman but she is also a bit long in the tooth. Sleepy Joe needs some energy infused into his campaign and while Elizabeth Warren has a high energy level on the campaign trail, she is nonetheless a seventy-year-old woman who would be running with a 77-year-old man. Biden will celebrate his 78th birthday shortly after election day. I keep thinking that since President Trump is starting to catch on favorably in polling with his law and order actions, Team Biden may be putting that at the top of the list of for qualifications. That could mean Kamala Harris because of her experience as Attorney General of California and the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office. But, her history in those positions is less than palatable to the far left. Biden could pick her because she is well-known but he doesn’t need her to deliver California for him and the Bernie Bros wing of the party wouldn’t be happy. Also, Kamala is an ambitious politician. She’ll run again for president and Biden will have to keep looking over his shoulder with her. She didn’t catch on with voters during the presidential primary.

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