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Facebook: QAnon Groups and Pages Are No Longer Allowed


Facebook is widening the company’s crackdown on the pro-Trump conspiracy theory, citing recent QAnon posts blaming certain groups for causing the wildfires on the US west coast.
(Photo by Stephanie Keith/Getty Images) Facebook is escalating the company’s crackdown on QAnon by deciding to ban all groups and pages devoted to the pro-Trump conspiracy theory. The company’s previous crackdown, which started back in August, originally focused on removing QAnon groups and pages that contained discussions of potential violence. Meanwhile, the remaining QAnon content was down-ranked, burying its availability on users’ News Feeds and in the search bar. Now Facebook has decided to essentially purge the rest. “Starting today, we will remove any Facebook Pages, Groups and Instagram accounts representing QAnon, even if they contain no violent content,” the company wrote in today’s announcement.

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