Home United States USA — Political No, Mr. President, we won’t ‘move on’ from your Afghanistan disaster

No, Mr. President, we won’t ‘move on’ from your Afghanistan disaster


“That was four or five days ago” is quickly becoming the permanent mantra of the Biden administration and its media allies . Journey back a mere …
“That was four or five days ago” is quickly becoming the permanent mantra of the Biden administration and its media allies. Journey back a mere two weeks, and you will recall President Joe Biden, in a home-field-advantage interview with George Stephanopoulos, saying those words about the harrowing scenes at the Kabul airport. First of all, it wasn’t true — it had only been two days. More important, every promise the president made turned out to be false: He didn’t end the violence at the airport, and he didn’t maintain our troop presence until every last American was out. Now more than 100 American citizens are stranded. In Afghanistan. Under the Taliban. Even journalists who worked for the US-government-funded Voice of America and Radio Free Europe are abandoned to the vicious whims of the Taliban. But that, you see, was a few days ago. It’s over. Time to move on. Or so insists the president. His bizarre temper tantrum of a speech on Tuesday, in which for some reason he scolded his critics and the American people, was meant to turn the page on the debacle he created in Kabul. And the president’s sycophantic pom-pom brigade in the media heralded his performance as “defiant!” Well, that kind of tough talk might have made Corn Pop back down in Biden’s epic tale of standing up to gangsters at the local swimming pool.

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