Home United States USA — IT Qualcomm drops its own name from new chips in favor of ‘Snapdragon’...

Qualcomm drops its own name from new chips in favor of ‘Snapdragon’ alone


Qualcomm leads the smartphone chip market, but that’s come despite a confusing naming convention. Moving forward, Snapdragon is all you’ll need to know.
“Snapdragon” has been synonymous with high-end smartphones for several years. People may not really know what chip their phone runs on, or what the numbers mean, but they likely know that it’s powered by a Snapdragon. Qualcomm, which makes the expansive range of chipsets, is acknowledging the strength of the brand with a shift in the product line. Moving forward, the company is dropping its own name from the chips to let “Snapdragon” stand alone. That’s just the start. Qualcomm is also simplifying the (frankly confusing) range numbering system, moving to “a single-digit series and generation number, aligning with other product categories — starting with our newest flagship Snapdragon 8-series platform.

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