Home United States USA — Science Wave of Pro-Abortion Violence After Leak of Supreme Court Draft Ruling

Wave of Pro-Abortion Violence After Leak of Supreme Court Draft Ruling


Pro-abortion protesters have attacked pro-life organizations in a number of states by smashing windows, spraying graffiti, and one hurling a Molotov cocktail.
According …

Pro-abortion protesters have attacked pro-life organizations in a number of states by smashing windows, spraying graffiti, and one hurling a Molotov cocktail. According to pro-life website LiveAction, violent demonstrators have attacked a pregnancy center in Portland, Oregon, and a Catholic church in Boulder, Colorado. Pro-abortion group Ruth Sent Us also asked activists to “stand at or in a local Catholic church Sunday, May 8.” A pro-life center in Portland had its windows smashed and graffiti written on its walls, according to pictures from Twitter. “[Expletive] CPS,” the graffiti reads, using an abbreviation for crisis pregnancy centers. Violent people also threw a Molotov into a Wisconsin pro-life group’s building. On May 2, a pro-abortion activist listed the addresses of pregnancy crisis centers in Portland online. A vandal attacked Loreto House, a pregnancy center in Denton, Texas. According to Randy Bollig, the clinic’s president, pro-abortion people have harassed the clinic all week. The clinic received obscenity-laden phone calls, suspicious people asking for jobs at the clinic, and one-star Google reviews from people who have never attended the clinic.

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