Home United States USA — Political The Qatar World Cup Is a Celebration of Authoritarianism

The Qatar World Cup Is a Celebration of Authoritarianism


By consenting to Qatar’s illiberal policies for residents and guests alike, FIFA has further besmirched its already tainted reputation.
The clearest sign of authoritarianism may be when people of different classes are not afforded the same rights and privileges. Do you have to have a position of political or culture power, or have a connection to someone who does, to be free? Does the state dictate what you consume, who you love, or where you work—unless you’re special?
Qatar, which for the next month will host the World Cup, the world’s most-watched sporting event, has clearly failed those tests.
The examples of petty authoritarianism on display in Qatar in the immediate run-up to the tournament and over the first few days of the competition have been numerous—though they pale in comparison to the human rights abuses that piled up as the tiny Middle Eastern state built the stadiums and infrastructure necessary to host the event. By allowing Qatar to host the tournament, and by consenting to the country’s leaders’ illiberal policies for residents and guests alike, the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) has further besmirched its already tainted reputation.
The most visible (though not the most egregious) sign of this World Cup’s illiberalism may be the rules surrounding alcoholic beverages. For years leading up to the World Cup, Qatar’s plans included vague promises about loosening the country’s strict prohibitionist rules to let football fans imbibe. There were plans for special “beer zones” in and around the eight World Cup stadiums, for example.
Then, just two days before Sunday’s opening match, the Qatari royal family issued a new edict: No beer at the stadiums. There is one location in Doha, Qatar’s capital city, where beer will be sold. Unless, of course, you bought special tickets for hospitality suites built into every stadium.

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